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来源:www.sdynbz.com 发布时间:2024-06-13 浏览次数:122


  More and more people are making takeout, and the number of customers using takeout is also increasing, with increasing competition. We know that the quality and freshness of dishes play an important role in retaining repeat purchases. Both aim to retain customers by enhancing their consumption experience. When it comes to the consumer experience of customers, it is necessary to mention a factor that is often overlooked by stores, but customers attach great importance to - disposable takeaway packaging boxes (takeaway appearance).


  In the evaluation system of food delivery platforms such as Ele.me and Meituan, packaging rating is a separate indicator. This is because the quality of packaging directly affects the degree of heat loss, quality, and flavor preservation of the food during delivery.


  However, we have found that many food delivery stores use packaging with average quality in order to reduce costs. This leads to frequent incidents during the delivery process, even if delivery personnel try their best to be careful, such as spilling soup and packaging deformation. This not only affects the customer's consumption experience and reduces their likelihood of repurchase, but also brings negative reviews to the store, affecting its ranking.


  Nowadays, most food delivery shops mainly use ordinary or inexpensive packaging boxes. Although this packaging box can hold food, its effectiveness in protecting dishes, maintaining temperature, and enhancing appearance is not satisfactory. There is a significant difference between disposable takeaway packaging boxes that are specially designed and custom-made.


  The designer of Yino Packaging believes that high-quality takeout product packaging can bring at least three major benefits to the store (Yino Packaging has a dedicated design department that focuses on the overall solution of design and production):


  (1) Enhance the appearance of dishes and attract more new customers


  As a part of the dish, high-quality packaging can enhance the appearance of the dish, leave a good first impression on customers, and ultimately enhance their consumption experience.20220705023113227.jpg


  (2) Ensure the quality of dishes and attract more repeat customers


  Reduce the spillage of soup during the delivery process of food delivery, while also maintaining the temperature and taste of the dishes, so that the quality of food delivery is not inferior to that of dine in, and win the favor of customers.


  (3) Establishing brand image and enhancing competitiveness


  Exquisite packaging is more likely to reflect the store's serious attitude towards customers and its overall style, especially with the use of environmentally friendly materials, high aesthetic packaging, and internet celebrity packaging that are now advocated. This can not only reassure customers but also fully demonstrate the store's social responsibility, helping the food delivery store establish its brand image and improve brand influence.

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